

In August of 2008, Rawlinson Road Baptist Church launched Rawlinson Road Day School (RRDS) as a means of reaching the preschool child and his family in our community.  It is the desire of RRBC for the community around us to know that children who attend our program for whatever reason are truly our mission and our focus.

STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: Our mission is to provide parents and children with a secure Christian environment in which the child is nurtured by providing learning and developmental experiences which are consistent with the Christian principles and based on the authority of the Bible.

Our goal is to assist parents as they guide the spiritual, emotional, physical, social and intellectual development of their child.

How do we do this?

  • Provide classroom instruction and activities that are age appropriate.
  • Provide a secure, nurturing and loving environment where children are encouraged to treat others as they wish to be treated.
  • Provide opportunities for children to interact with other children individually and in group settings.
  • Show children through actions, words and Bible lessons, the unconditional love God has for each of them.